Carlos Sandoval

Carlos Sandoval Mendoza (born 1956, Mexico City) is a Mexican/German multidiscipline artist mostly recognized for his work joining technology and a Gestalt approach to the art of music composition, multi channel video, time-lapsed performance, AI-assisted art and Ink-Pen Drawing. Michael Zwenzner describes him as a "Socio-critical magician of the extended-multimedia instrumental theater." On more recent Sandoval's work, Davood wrote: "[...] Each piece, whether sound or video art, music composition or intricate drawings, reflects an artist who is as much a global citizen as he is a silent observer of the internal human odyssey". Provided by Wikipedia

Published in 2020
Repository Repositorio Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato

Published in 2012
Repository Repositorio Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas

Repository Repositorio Universidad de Cuenca