La teor?a del color aplicada al arte pict?rico como herramienta para el refuerzo cognitivo en el sistema educativo


P?rez S?nchez, Ana Paula; Loaiza Reyes, David Sebastian

La presente investigaci?n sobre la teor?a del color aplicada al arte pict?rico como herramienta para el refuerzo cognitivo, cuyo principal objetivo es fortalecer el desarrollo cognitivo de alumnos del noveno a?o de educaci?n b?sica, paralelo ?C? de la Escuela Fiscal B?sica Panam?, a trav?s de talleres sobre teor?a del color, y como objetivos espec?ficos fundamentar te?ricamente desde la literatura cient?fica los talleres educativos y como el arte fortalece el desarrollo cognitivo del joven, planificar talleres art?sticos basados en la teor?a del color aplicada a la pintura, implementar los talleres y evaluar la implementaci?n de los mismos basados en la teor?a del color aplicada a la pintura como contribuci?n al desarrollo cognitivo. Mediante esta investigaci?n cualitativa se usaron entrevistas como evaluaci?n de los talleres usando a cinco alumnos del grado que se trabaj? como muestra, evidenciamos que mediante la aplicaci?n de los talleres ya mencionados se pudo obtener un refuerzo y contribuci?n al desarrollo cognitivo de los estudiantes como son la memoria, el lenguaje, la atenci?n, la percepci?n, la soluci?n de problemas, motricidad y creatividad.
The present investigation on the theory of color applied to pictorial art as a tool for cognitive reinforcement, whose main objective is to improve the cognitive development of students in the ninth year of basic education, parallel "C" of Escuela Fiscal B?sica Panam?, through workshops on color theory, the specific objectives are to provide theoretical basis from the scientific literature for the educational workshops and how art strengthens the cognitive development of young people, to plan artistic workshops based on color theory applied to painting, to implement the workshops and to evaluate the implementation of these workshops based on color theory applied to painting as a contribution to cognitive development. Through this qualitative research, interviews were used to evaluate the workshops using five students from the grade we worked with as a sample. We found that through the application of the mentioned workshops we were able to obtain a reinforcement and contribution to the cognitive development of the students, such as memory, language, attention, perception, problem-solving, motor skills and creativity.

Publication Year
Teor?a del color
Refuerzo cognitivo
Color theory
Cognitive reinforcement
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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