Contribuci?n de los hallazgos y recomendaciones del Informe de la Auditor?a de Seguimiento a la Auditor?a Regular General remitido a la Unidad Educativa Alberto Andrade Ar?zaga Brummel, Cuenca-Azuay (Ecuador) en el dise?o de un Plan de Mejora relacionado con los Est?ndares del Desempe?o Profesional Directivo se?alados como no logrados


Carpio Chuchuca, Edwin Hern?n; Samaniego Benavidez, Adriana Genoveva

La presente investigaci?n se orienta hacia el an?lisis de la contribuci?n de los hallazgos y recomendaciones del Informe de la Auditor?a de Seguimiento a la Auditor?a Regular General remitido a la Unidad Educativa Alberto Andrade Ar?zaga Brummel, en el dise?o de un Plan de Mejora relacionado con los Est?ndares del Desempe?o Profesional Directivo se?alados como no logrados. Para lo cual se aplic? la metodolog?a de las 4Ls (Logros, Limitaciones, Lecciones aprendidas y L?neas a seguir) en base a la literatura cient?fica con el objetivo de sistematizar los resultados de la auditor?a y la entrevista realizada a la MSc. Tatiana V?squez Vicerrectora de la instituci?n. Una vez identificado que la instituci?n incumpli? de manera reincidente con varios est?ndares del desempe?o profesional directivo, se procedi? a la revisi?n de las causas de estas problem?ticas reincidentes. En este sentido, se procedi? a realizar el an?lisis de los hallazgos y recomendaciones del informe de auditor?a y se pudo determinar que estos son ambiguos y generan confusi?n a los actores encargados de realizar el plan de mejora institucional ya que no se declara de manera objetiva los lineamientos legales, los responsables, los recursos, las metas que se deber?an alcanzar a mediano y corto plazo. Por otra parte, se evidenci? la falta de la designaci?n de una autoridad permanente, que permita un seguimiento continuo a los problemas de la instituci?n. Por lo que a partir de estos resultados se dejan las recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones en auditor?a educativa.
This research is focused on the analysis of the results and recommendations obtained from the follow-up audit to the general regular audit that was implemented through a contribution at Alberto Andrade Ar?zaga Brummel School (Unidad Educativa), in the design of an Improvement Plan associated to the Senior Professional Performance Standards which were marked as not achieved. Then, it was applied the 4Ls methodology known in Spanish as (Logros, Limitaciones, Lecciones aprendidas y L?neas a seguir) and in English known as: (Achievements, Limitations, Lessons learned and Lines to follow), based on the scientific literature in order to systematize the results of the audit and the interview conducted to the MSc. Tatiana V?squez Vice principal of that school. Once it was identified that the school repeatedly failed to accomplish with various Senior Professional Performance Standards, we proceeded to analyze the reasons of these recurring issues. In this way, an analysis of the findings and recommendations of the audit report was developed, determining that they are ambiguous and generate confusion for the actors in charge of carrying out the school improvement plan because there are not objectively stated the legal guidelines, the responsible people, the resources and the goals that should be achieved in the medium and short term. On the other hand, the absence of a permanent authority, who would allow continuous monitoring of the school?s problems was noticed. Therefore, the recommendations for future research in educational auditing are left based in the results obtained in the audit.
Especialista en Gesti?n de la Calidad en Educaci?n

Publication Year
Auditor?a Educativa
Plan de mejora
Educational audit
Improvement plan
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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