Male breast cancer. Case report


Chehab Andrade, Jorge Chafic; Montes Lainez, Hector Daniel; Campoverde Vilela, Nathaly Paola

Introduction: Male breast cancer is an uncommon disease, it represents less than 1% of all types of cancer in this sex, and worldwide it represents only 0.2% of all types of cancer´s death. Clinical case: It is a case of a 68-year-old male patient, with no significant history, with a painless retro areolar mass of 1-year evolution, with progressive growth, which retracts the skin of his nipple, the physical examination showed an immobile lesion of 3 cm with axillary adenopathy of 2 cm in level II, (T2N1MX, Stage IIB), An incisional biopsy was performed with a report of infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Due to initial tumor staging, it was decided to perform neoadjuvant chemotherapy with a CT protocol, and a modified radical mastectomy was performed late, subsequently adjuvant radiotherapy and hormonal therapy were applied. After a year of control, there are no signs of tumor recurrence Conclusion: as soon as any malignant breast pathology is suspected in males, it should be staged and treated in a similar way to females.
Introducción: el cáncer de mama en hombres es una enfermedad rara, representa menos del 1% de todos los tipos de cáncer en este sexo, y a nivel mundial alcanza el 0.2% de mortalidad. Caso clínico: paciente masculino de 68 años, sin antecedentes de importancia con masa indolora retroareolar de 1 año de evolución, con crecimiento progresivo, que retrae la piel de su pezón, acude con una lesión inmóvil de 3 cm con adenopatía axilar de  2 cm en nivel II, (T2N1MX, Estadío IIB), se realizó biopsia con reporte de carcinoma ductal infiltrante, por estadiaje tumoral inicial se decide realizar quimioterapia neoadyuvante con protocolo TAC y mastectomía radical modificada, posteriormente se aplica radioterapia adyuvante y hormonoterapia. Al año de control no se presentan signos de recidiva tumoral. Conclusión: ante la sospecha de patología mamaria maligna en el sexo masculino se debe estatificar y tratar de manera similar a la femenina.

Publication Year
breast neoplasms
neoplasias de la mama
Revista Universidad de Cuenca
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Derechos de autor 2022 Jorge Chafic Chehab Andrade, Hector Daniel Montes Lainez, Nathaly Paola Campoverde Vilela