An?lisis del poder de mercado de la empresa Hormypol en el Cant?n Loja, per?odo 2013


Maldonado Rojas, Estephania Carolina

The globalization of the world economy has led to the emergence of companies seeking to increase their power in the market, creating structures that eliminate competition and directly affect consumer welfare. Whereas the construction industry is one of the main engines for economic and social development of a country and are increasing the build alternatives that allow build in less time and with lower investment; were proposed, an investigation entitled "Analysis of market power of the company HORMYPOL? in Canton Loja, 2013 period". The main objective of the research was Analyze the market power of the company HORMYPOL? in Canton Loja, through a historical-descriptive study in order to determine whether the company enjoys market power. The study population was represented in the canton Loja by natural and legal persons who engage in construction of buildings. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC); and considering the business directory, in the canton Loja 2013 there were 1246 individuals and 365 legal entities engaged in this activity, a total of 1611, a number that represents the population under study. Considering the total population, worked with a representative sample of 310 surveys. After analyzing the results of the collection of information was concluded that the canton Loja is a relevant market for precast concrete products used in construction, HORMYPOL? offered by the company, which has been operating since 2007. The reason main thing is that this company is protected by having a patent, preventing market entry of other companies with similar goals, so only 33.67% of the investigated builders known as a possible replacement for HORMYPOL?, the construction system hormi2 produced and marketed by PANECONS, whose industrial plant is located in the city of Latacunga. Furthermore it is concluded that the company HORMYPOL?, no abuse practices of market power to its customers as incitement behaviors, persuasion or coercion to prevent the purchase of goods to other companies, conditioned shopping, affiliations requirement, payment of money extra, deadlines excessive and unjustified payment or failure to return their goods quality problems with them.
La globalizaci?n de la econom?a a nivel mundial, ha llevado a la aparici?n de empresas que buscan aumentar su poder en el mercado, creando estructuras que eliminan la competencia y afectando directamente al bienestar del consumidor. Considerando que la industria de la construcci?n es uno de los principales motores para el desarrollo de econ?mico y social de un pa?s y que cada vez son mayores las alternativas de construcci?n que permiten construir en tiempos menores y con una inversi?n m?s baja; se propuso realizar, una investigaci?n titulada: ?An?lisis del poder de mercado de la empresa HORMYPOL? en el cant?n Loja, per?odo 2013?. El principal objetivo de la investigaci?n fue Analizar el poder de mercado de la empresa HORMYPOL? en el cant?n Loja, mediante un estudio hist?rico-descriptivo, con el prop?sito de determinar si la empresa goza de poder de mercado. La poblaci?n objeto de estudio, estuvo representada en el cant?n Loja por personas naturales y jur?dicas, que realizan actividades de construcci?n de edificaciones. Seg?n los datos del Instituto Nacional de Estad?sticas y Censos (INEC); y considerando el directorio de empresas, en el cant?n Loja para el a?o 2013 exist?an 1246 personas naturales y 365 personas jur?dicas dedicadas a esta actividad, sumando un total de 1611, n?mero que representa la poblaci?n de objeto de estudio. Considerando el total de poblaci?n, se trabaj? con una muestra representativa de 310 encuestas que viene funcionando desde el 2007. La raz?n principal es que esta empresa est? protegida por contar con una patente, lo que impide la entrada al mercado de otras empresas con finalidades similares, por lo cual solamente 33,67% de los constructores investigados conocen como posible sustituto de HORMYPOL?, al sistema constructivo hormi2 producido y comercializado por la empresa PANECONS, cuya planta industrial se ubica en la ciudad de Latacunga. Adem?s se concluye que la empresa HORMYPOL?, no presenta pr?cticas de abuso de poder de mercado hacia sus clientes, como conductas de incitaci?n, persuasi?n o coacci?n a impedir la compra de bienes a otras empresas, compras condicionadas, exigencia de afiliaciones, pago de dinero extra, plazos de pago excesivos e injustificados o imposibilidad de devoluci?n de sus productos por problemas de calidad con los mismos.

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Repositorio SENESCYT
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