La comedia y el contenido humorístico en las teleseries ecuatorianas del horario estelar en el primer semestre del año 2017. Casos : "Tres familias", "Cuatro cuartos" y "Lo que está pa' ti".


Amat Díaz, Jean Carlo

El presente trabajo de titulación se fundamenta en el análisis de contenido de las teleseries ecuatorianas: ―Tres Familias‖ de Ecuavisa, ―Cuatro cuartos‖ de TC Televisión y ―Lo que está pa‘ ti‖ de GamaTV. Se revelará qué tipos de recursos humorísticos utilizan para transmitir sus mensajes y representar a la sociedad ecuatoriana, con la finalidad de captar la atención de la audiencia y ganar índices de sintonía. Se presentarán conceptos actualizados sobre comedia y los tipos humor. Partiendo de las definiciones de Representación e imaginarios, se analizará de qué forma las telecomedias representan a la sociedad ecuatoriana. Se expondrán los diversos estereotipos y elementos de identificación. Se mencionarán los criterios de los directores, guionistas, libretistas, actores, televidentes acerca de los personajes estereotipados, a través de las entrevistas de profundidad. También se analizaran los comentarios expuestos del grupo focal. Finalmente, se establecerán los parámetros utilizados para representar a la sociedad ecuatoriana en las teleseries ―Tres Familias‖ de Ecuavisa, ―Cuatro cuartos‖ de TC Televisión y ―Lo que está pa‘ ti‖, y si estas telecomedias pueden ser consideradas como un espejo de la realidad de los ecuatorianos.
The present titling work is based on the content analysis of the Ecuadorian television series: "Tres Familias" by Ecuavisa, "Cuatro cuartos" by TC Televisión and "Lo que está pa‘ti" by GamaTV. It will reveal what types of humorous resources they use to transmit their messages and represent Ecuadorian society, in order to capture the attention of the audience and gain indexes of harmony. Updated concepts on comedy and humor types will be presented. The present titling work is based on the content analysis of the Ecuadorian television series: "Tres Familias" by Ecuavisa, "Cuatro cuartos" by TC Televisión and "Lo que está pa‘ti" by GamaTV. It will reveal what types of humorous resources they use to transmit their messages and represent Ecuadorian society, in order to capture the attention of the audience and gain indexes of harmony. Updated concepts on comedy and humor types will be presented. Based on the definitions of Representation and imaginary, we will analyze how the representations represent the Ecuadorian society. The various stereotypes and identification elements will be exposed. It will mention the criteria of directors, screenwriters, librettists, actors, viewers about stereotyped characters, through in-depth interviews. The comments of the focus group will also be analyzed. Finally, the parameters used to represent Ecuadorian society will be established in the television series "Tres Familias" by Ecuavisa, "Cuatro cuartos" by TC Televisión and "Lo que está pa 'ti", and if these telecommunications can be considered as a mirror of the reality of the Ecuadorians. The present titling work is based on the content analysis of the Ecuadorian television series: "Tres Familias" by Ecuavisa, "Cuatro cuartos" by TC Televisión and "Lo que está pa‘ti" by GamaTV. It will reveal what types of humorous resources they use to transmit their messages and represent Ecuadorian society, in order to capture the attention of the audience and gain indexes of harmony. Updated concepts on comedy and humor types will be presented. Based on the definitions of Representation and imaginary, we will analyze how the representations represent the Ecuadorian society. The various stereotypes and identification elements will be exposed. It will mention the criteria of directors, screenwriters, librettists, actors, viewers about stereotyped characters, through in-depth interviews. The comments of the focus group will also be analyzed. Finally, the parameters used to represent Ecuadorian society will be established in the television series "Tres Familias" by Ecuavisa, "Cuatro cuartos" by TC Televisión and "Lo que está pa 'ti", and if these telecommunications can be considered as a mirror of the reality of the Ecuadorians. Based on the definitions of Representation and imaginary, we will analyze how the representations represent the Ecuadorian society. The various stereotypes and identification elements will be exposed. It will mention the criteria of directors, screenwriters, librettists, actors, viewers about stereotyped characters, through in-depth interviews. The comments of the focus group will also be analyzed. Finally, the parameters used to represent Ecuadorian society will be established in the television series "Tres Familias" by Ecuavisa, "Cuatro cuartos" by TC Televisión and "Lo que está pa 'ti", and if these telecommunications can be considered as a mirror of the reality of the Ecuadorians.

Publication Year
Repositorio Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil
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