“VIH más enfermedades añadidas orientadas con la atención de enfermería”


Paredes Rodríguez, Gabriela Alexandra

El VIH /Sida constituye una gran preocupación desde el punto de vista médico , político y social, es considerado un problema de salud pública, han aumentado el número de casos, en la actualidad la mayor parte de la población que contrajo el virus está entre los 15-49 años debido a lo cual es un tema de mucha importancia en el ámbito de salud, el MSP tiene planeado intensificar la prevención del VIH en grupos jóvenes ,en personas trans, personas privadas de la libertad y trabajadoras sexuales además de eliminar el estigma y discriminación por orientación sexual ,trabajo sexual ,condición de género ,o por vivir con VIH, el presente análisis de caso clínico presenta un paciente de 36 años de edad, de sexo masculino, soltero, sin hijos el mismo que ha sido diagnosticado con VIH hace un año por lo cual ha sido ingresado por 4 ocasiones a casas de salud, la última vez que ingreso fue en el hospital REGIONAL DOCENTE AMBATO debido a una referencia por parte del centro de salud LA MEDALLA MILAGROSA por anemia, deshidratación, candidiasis oral y VIH ya diagnosticada por lo cual recibió tratamiento, control después de dos días fue dado de alta y recibe control por consulta externa. En la actualidad su estado de salud se mantiene en un equilibrio, asiste periódicamente al centro de salud para sus respectivos controles, han existidos algunos problemas de salud que han sido tratados y son respuesta a la deficiencia de su sistema inmunológico, su estado emocional se encuentra en constantes cambios debido a que no cuenta con el apoyo que el necesita. El sida es el estadio final de una enfermedad crónica trasmisible de tipo progresivo de causa viral en la cual se establece una
HIV / AIDS is a major medical, political and social concern, it is considered a public health problem, the number of cases has increased, the majority of the population that 15-49 years of age, which is a major health issue, the MSP plans to intensify HIV prevention among young people, transgender people, persons deprived of their liberty and sex workers in addition to eliminating stigma And discrimination based on sexual orientation, sex work, gender status, or living with HIV, the present case analysis presents a 36-year-old male, unmarried, childless patient who has been diagnosed with HIV A year ago, for which he has been admitted for 4 times to health care homes, the last time he was admitted to the REGIONAL TEACHING AMBATO hospital because of a referral from the center E salud THE MILAGROSA MEDAL for anemia, dehydration, oral candidiasis and HIV already diagnosed for which treatment was received, control after two days was discharged and receives control by external consultation. At present his state of health is in balance, attends periodically to the health center for their respective controls, there have been some health problems that have been treated and are response to the deficiency of his immune system, his emotional state is In constant changes because he does not have the support he needs. AIDS is the final stage of a chronic, transmissible progressive disease of viral cause in which a very diverse relationship is established between the host and the virus as the immunodeficiency progresses and the higher the virus replication will appear opportunistic diseases. During the investigation it was evidenced that the patient has an emotional state deteriorated by the disease that presents, in which different critical points were identified, risk factors that contributed to the appearance of new inconveniences that deteriorate their health day by day through the bibliographic review From different sources, interview and analysis of the clinical history, it has been possible to improve their average life style and the realization of a guide that presents the care that the patient must take. The guide designed for patients with HIV in which hierarchizes the needs they present, while helping to establish a balanced lifestyle, the development of a scientific article that will help identify the most frequent opportunistic diseases or infections in patients with HIV positive.

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Repositorio Universidad Técnica de Ambato
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