?Estrategias did?cticas en el proceso de aprendizaje de las nociones b?sicas en relaci?n al n?mero-cantidad hasta el 5, en ni?os/ as de 3 a 4 a?os?


Amaya Yumbla, Priscila Aracely; Loja Bermeo, Zaida Mariana

El Proyecto de Integraci?n Curricular, surge a partir de las pr?cticas preprofesionales en el Centro de Educaci?n Inicial ?Alberto Astudillo Montesinos?, Inicial 1. Se observaron en los infantes ciertas dificultades en la correspondencia entre el n?mero y la cantidad, a partir de la problem?tica identificada se formul? la pregunta de investigaci?n. ?C?mo aportar en el desarrollo de las nociones b?sicas en relaci?n al n?mero cantidad hasta el n?mero 5, en ni?os de 3 a 4 a?os? Esta se respondi?, a trav?s de la implementaci?n de estrategias did?cticas que aportaron al desarrollo y fortalecieron de dichas nociones. Para ello, se recolectaron datos a trav?s de observaciones participantes, gu?a de observaci?n, una entrevista que se aplic? al docente profesional en la fase del pre test y post test. Adicionalmente, se argument? la investigaci?n desde el Curr?culo de Educaci?n Inicial 2014 y la literatura cient?fica de Piaget (1964), V?squez (2009), Castro (2013), Gervasi (2011) entre otros, que aportaron al conocimiento del desarrollo y aprendizaje de la noci?n n?mero-cantidad hasta el 5. En la propuesta de intervenci?n educativa se destaca el modelo pedag?gico Montessoriano. Adem?s, la investigaci?n tiene un enfoque mixto y su m?todo es la investigaci?n-acci?n. Finalmente, con el aporte y aplicaci?n de las estrategias did?cticas, se determin? que los infantes acrecentaron su nivel de aprendizaje en cuanto a la relaci?n de n?mero cantidad, puesto que en el pre test el 10% ten?an adquirida la destreza y en el post test el 75% lograron relacionar el n?mero con la cantidad hasta el 5.
The Curricular Integration Project arises from pre-professional practices at the "Alberto Astudillo Montesinos" Initial Education Center, Initial 1. Certain difficulties were observed in infants in the correspondence between number and quantity, based on the problem identified, the research question was formulated. How to contribute to the development of basic notions in relation to number-quantity up to number 5, in children from 3 to 4 years old? This was answered through the implementation of didactic strategies that contributed to the development and strengthened these notions. For this, data were collected through participant observations, an observation guide, an interview that was applied to the professional teacher in the pre-test and post-test phase. Additionally, it was argued the research from the Curriculum of Initial Education 2014 and the scientific literature of Piaget (1964), V?squez (2009), Castro (2013), Gervasi (2011) among others, which contributed to the knowledge of the development and learning of the number quantity notion up to 5. In the educational intervention proposal, the Montessorian pedagogical model stands out. Furthermore, research has a mixed focus and its method is action research. Finally, with the contribution and application of the didactic strategies, it was determined that the infants increased their level of learning in terms of the relation of number and quantity, since in the pre-test 10% had acquired the skill and in the post test the 75% managed to relate the number to the quantity up to 5.

Publication Year
Nociones b?sicas
Estrategias did?cticas
Noci?n de n?mero
Noci?n de cantidad
Basic notions
Didactic strategies
Notion of number
Notion of quantity
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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