Auditor?a Educativa: Sistematizaci?n de Experiencias de la Zona 6 de Educaci?n del Ecuador


Maldonado Noboa, Mar?a Alexandra

La presente investigaci?n se llev? a cabo en la ciudad de Azogues-Ecuador, con el objetivo de caracterizar el perfil profesional del Auditor Educativo mediante la sistematizaci?n de experiencias de cinco informantes clave. La primera fase de este proyecto, estuvo dedicada al an?lisis documental espec?fico sobre la Auditor?a Educativa que se realiza en el Ecuador. La segunda fase implic? realizar un trabajo de campo para adquirir un conocimiento emp?rico de esta realidad profesional, a partir de dos estrategias metodol?gicas: a) el acompa?amiento de un Auditor Educativo durante una Auditor?a de Seguimiento a una Instituci?n Educativa en el cant?n Gualaceo, provincia del Azuay, durante tres d?as de actuaci?n profesional. Y b) entrevistas estructuradas sobre los procesos de Auditor?a a dos Directivos de instituciones educativas y a dos Auditores Educativos de la Zona 6 del Ministerio de Educaci?n, quienes fueron designados por el actual Director Nacional de Auditor?a. La tercera fase de este proyecto consisti? en el an?lisis e interpretaci?n de la informaci?n recolectada en funci?n de la calidad, utilidad y pertinencia del trabajo cotidiano de los Auditores Educativos. Los resultados de este estudio permitieron establecer competencias, destrezas, actitudes, valores y conocimientos que caracterizar?an el perfil profesional del Auditor Educativo desde la sistematizaci?n de experiencias.
The main goal of this study was to characterize the professional profile of the Ecuadorian Educational Auditor through the systematization of professional experiences form five key informants. In the first phase of this study it was done the compilation and documentary analyses of specialized bibliography on Educational Auditing in Ecuador and the systematization of experiences of professional practices. The second phase involved carrying out field work to acquire an empirical knowledge of this professional reality, through two methodological strategies: a) by accompanying an Educational Auditor during an educational audit process of a school located in the canton Gualaceo -Azuay province- during three days. b) By structured interviews on the educational audit processes to two school principals and two Educational Auditors working for the 6th Zone of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education, who were appointed by the National Director of Audit. The third phase of this study was the analysis and interpretation of the collected information based on the criteria: quality, utility and relevance to Auditor?s daily work. The results of this study allow to determine the professional skills, attitudes, values and knowledge of the Educational Auditor profile from the systematization of experiences.
Especialista en Gesti?n de la Calidad en Educaci?n

Publication Year
Perfil profesional
Professional profile
Sistematizaci?n de experiencias
Systematization of experiences
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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