Contribuci?n al desarrollo de las destrezas motoras, cognitivas y afectivas de la Educaci?n F?sica en el d?cimo grado de la Unidad Educativa Particular Dominicana San Luis Beltr?n


C?rdova Vaca, Jefferson Andr?s; Chunchi Quizhpi, Carmen Fabiola

El presente trabajo de Integraci?n Curricular tiene como objetivo contribuir a tener una vida saludable a trav?s del desarrollo de las destrezas motoras, cognitivas y afectivas de la Educaci?n F?sica. Este informe se ha basado en lo que se plantea en el curr?culo ecuatoriano y se han tomado conceptos e ideas de autores y organizaciones que profundizan sobre esta tem?tica, adem?s del an?lisis de vivencias en las clases con los estudiantes. Se utiliz? una investigaci?n cualitativa basada en cuestionarios aplicados a docentes y estudiantes, con el fin de realizar un diagn?stico y su an?lisis sobre la realidad que se vive en relaci?n al tema de la Educaci?n F?sica en el d?cimo a?o de Educaci?n General B?sica de la Unidad Educativa Particular ?San Luis Beltr?n?. Con el planteamiento de una propuesta interesante en este proyecto, se podr?a visualizar por qu? es importante desarrollar las destrezas y asignatura mencionadas dentro del grupo de estudiantes y su docente. Adem?s, se pone ?nfasis en esta tem?tica porque tambi?n se viene planteando desde las normas educativas vigentes.
The objective of this Curricular Integration work is to contribute to a healthy life through the development of motor, cognitive and affective skills in Physical Education. This report has been based on what is proposed in the Ecuadorian curriculum and we have taken concepts and ideas from authors and organizations that go deeper into this topic, in addition to the analysis of experiences in the classes with the students. A qualitative research based on questionnaires applied to teachers and students was used, with the purpose of making a diagnosis and its analysis about the reality that is lived in relation to the subject of Physical Education in the tenth year of General Basic Education of the Private Educational Unit "San Luis Beltr?n". With the approach of an interesting proposal in this project, it could be visualized why it is important to develop the mentioned skills and subject within the group of students and their teacher. In addition, emphasis is placed on this topic because it is also being raised from the current educational standards.

Publication Year
Educaci?n F?sica
Desarrollo de destrezas
sistema de actividades
Physical Education
Development of motor
System of activities
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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