Refuerzo de los procesos de lectoescritura a trav?s del dise?o de material did?ctico en castellano para sexto a?o de la Unidad Educativa Comunitaria Intercultural Biling?e ?Suscal?


Caguana Tenesaca, Mar?a Bel?n

A partir de la investigaci?n efectuada en un contexto biling?e (idiomas castellano y kichwa), en el aula de sexto a?o de educaci?n b?sica en la Unidad Educativa Comunitaria Intercultural Biling?e ?Suscal?, con estudiantes de edades comprendidas entre diez y once a?os, se identificaron deficiencias en los dominios de lectura y escritura en castellano y falta de herramientas con pertinencia cultural y ling??stica en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, por lo que se propone el dise?o de material did?ctico por medio de una gu?a docente que permita orientar su implementaci?n para el fortalecimiento de la ense?anza-aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en castellano. Para ello, se realiz? una combinaci?n de estas herramientas con los saberes y dominios del Curr?culo de la Nacionalidad Kichwa, espec?ficamente, con sus unidades correspondientes a sexto a?o, aplicando el M?todo Montessori y teniendo en cuenta las necesidades e intereses de los estudiantes. Adem?s, para el desarrollo de esta investigaci?n se aplic? una evaluaci?n diagn?stica a los estudiantes que permiti? identificar las dificultades de aprendizaje en los dominios de lectura y escritura, luego se sistematizaron las actividades empleadas por la docente y realizadas por los estudiantes, para observar y analizar sus resultados de aprendizaje y deducir sus intereses. Posteriormente, se realizaron entrevistas a la rectora y profesora de la Instituci?n para conocer las dificultades que tienen los estudiantes en cuanto a la lectura, escritura y uso de material did?ctico. Finalmente, se dise?aron materiales did?cticos para reforzar el nivel de conocimientos requeridos en lectoescritura en el idioma castellano en el sexto a?o de educaci?n b?sica.
Based on the research conducted in a bilingual context (Spanish and Kichwa languages), in the classroom of the sixth year of basic education in the Intercultural Bilingual Community Education Unit "Suscal", with students between the ages of ten and eleven years old, Deficiencies were identified in the domains of reading and writing in Spanish and lack of tools with cultural and linguistic relevance in the learning of students, so it is proposed the design of teaching materials through a teaching guide to guide its implementation to strengthen the teaching-learning of reading and writing in Spanish. For this purpose, these tools were combined with the knowledge and domains of the Kichwa Nationality curriculum, specifically, with its units corresponding to the sixth grade, applying the Montessori Method and taking into account the needs and interests of the students. In addition, for the development of this research, a diagnostic evaluation was applied to the students that allowed the identification of learning difficulties in the reading and writing domains, then the activities used by the teacher and carried out by the students were systematized, to observe and analyze their learning results and deduce their interests. Subsequently, interviews were conducted with the rector and teacher of the Institution to learn about the students' difficulties in reading, writing and the use of didactic material. Finally, didactic materials were designed to reinforce the level of knowledge required in reading and writing in the Spanish language in the sixth year of basic education.

Publication Year
Material did?ctico
B?sica media
Didactic material
Basic secondary
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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