Estimulaci?n de la motricidad fina mediante una cartilla did?ctica con la pedagog?a Waldorf para infantes de 4 a 5 a?os de la UE Leoncio Cordero-Cuenca


Santander Zhag?ay, Jessica Patricia; Cadmilema Zhag?ay, Gabriela Estefan?a

Esta investigaci?n se desenvuelve al mismo tiempo que se llev? a cabo las practicas preprofesionales en la Unidad Educativa ?Leoncio Cordero?. Se evidenci? como problem?tica la existencia de dificultades en el desarrollo de la motricidad fina como coordinaci?n de manos, dedos y viso-manual; generando seria preocupaci?n ante la eminente falta de habilidad previa a procesos indispensables de la educaci?n como la lecto-escritura. La dificultad en algunos estudiantes era evidente al presentar problemas como sostener el l?piz o apilar bloques. La finalidad de esta investigaci?n fue el desarrollo de la motricidad fina a trav?s de una cartilla did?ctica en ni?os de 4 a 5 a?os del Subnivel 2 de la Unidad Educativa ?Leoncio Cordero?. Por medio de estrategias con preceptos de la pedagog?a Waldorf, que permitieron a los infantes mejorar sus destrezas motrices finas. Estas estrategias fueron presentadas mediante varias actividades que fueron trabajadas en hojas de ?rboles, videos, entorno escolar como el patio, l?pices de colores, hilo y plastilina; en donde los ni?os experimentaron varias texturas, formas, tama?os y colores, con el fin de estimular y perfeccionar su motricidad fina. La recolecci?n y an?lisis de informaci?n parte de un paradigma sociocr?tico con un enfoque cualitativo buscando estimular la motricidad fina a partir de la metodolog?a investigaci?n-acci?n. Adem?s, se utilizaron tres instrumentos para la recopilaci?n de informaci?n como: gu?a Portage para ni?os, gu?a de preguntas para la docente y gu?a de sistematizaci?n dirigido a los padres de familia. Gracias al marco metodol?gico se logr? determinar los resultados de la fase diagn?stico que mostraron las dificultades en las coordinaciones en las manos, dedos, y viso manual. Se determin? que algunos ni?os se encontraban entre las fases de iniciado, proceso y conseguido. Las actividades que se desarroll? fueron: formas con plastilina, recortar, atornillar, pegar y dibujar. Por esta raz?n se realiz? una propuesta que apoy? la motricidad fina y su desarrollo. Adem?s, para concluir se dice que el desarrollo de la motricidad fina y sus coordinaciones son importantes durante los primeros a?os de vida, un futuro permitir? al infante tener un buen desempe?o motriz.
This research takes place at the same time that the pre-professional practices were carried out in the "Leoncio Cordero" Educational Unit. The existence of difficulties in the development of fine motor skills such as hand, finger and visual-manual coordination was evidenced as a problem; Seeing serious concern about the eminent lack of ability prior to essential processes of education such as reading and writing. The difficulty in some students was evident when presenting problems such as holding a pencil or stacking blocks. The purpose of this research was the development of fine motor skills through a didactic booklet in children from 4 to 5 years of Sublevel 2 of the Educational Unit "Leoncio Cordero". Through strategies with precepts of Waldorf pedagogy, which allowed infants to improve their fine motor skills. These strategies were presented through various activities that were worked on tree leaves, videos, school environment such as the playground, colored pencils, thread and plasticine; where children experience various textures, shapes, sizes and colors, in order to stimulate and perfect their fine motor skills. The collection and analysis of information is based on a socio-critical paradigm with a qualitative approach seeking to stimulate fine motor skills based on the research-action methodology. In addition, three instruments were used for the collection of information such as: Portage guide for children, question guide for the teacher and systematization guide aimed at parents. Thanks to the methodological framework, it will be necessary to determine the results of the diagnostic phase that showed difficulties in coordination in the hands, fingers, and manual vision. It will end up that some children were found between the phases of initiated, process and obtained. The activities that were demonstrated were: shapes with plasticine, cutting, screwing, gluing and drawing. For this reason, a proposal was made that supported fine motor skills and their development. In addition, to conclude, it is said that the development of fine motor skills and their coordination are important during the first years of life, a future will allow the infant to have good motor performance.

Publication Year
Motricidad fina
Pedagog?a de Walford
Fine motor skills
Walford Pedagogy
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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