Adquisición de la franquicia Americana de comida rápida: Wendy´s.


Saltos Cornejo, Andrés Esteban

This business plan called "Acquisition of the American franchise Wendy's," describes each of the elements that would allow the future purchase and implement this new franchise in Ecuador. In general, we analyze the external and global impacts, after analyzing the results the franchise analysis was positioned within the category "profitable but risky." Analyzes that might influence the procurement process and future success of the franchise taking into account economic factors such as basic pay, dollarization and how it benefits the franchise, technological factors such as availability of equipment with which it is told in the current market and caters to the franchise needs to function properly in the country. It took into account environmental and social factors, which analyzed the population segment that the franchise want to go and we find that the targeted segment is middle class, upper middle, between 15 and 50 years old. The demographic analysis identified the largest and most populated cities in the country, so as to implement and operate in the city of Quito and Guayaquil gradually. In the political factor, were analyzed tariffs and taxes imposed on imports of equipment and identify the company to take care of imports for the franchise. The legal framework was established to run a limited company, fulfilling contracts, fines and projections required by the franchise. Examines areas where marketer’s methods were established to promote the brand and the organizational inner workings of the company. We performed a financial analysis to provide a holistic approach to the business plan which shows the profitability projections, NPV and IRR, which show excellent profitability even in the pessimistic scenario. Taking all the information and covering all the variables that influence the proper development of the Wendy's franchise in the Ecuadorian market for fast food.
El presente plan de negocios denominado “Adquisición de la franquicia Americana: Wendy´s” describe cada uno de los elementos que permitirían a futuro adquirir e implementar esta nueva franquicia en el Ecuador. De manera general, se analizan los impactos externos y globales; para posteriormente analizar las barreras de entrada y salida posicionándose la franquicia en la categoría de “rentable pero riesgoso”. Por otra parte, se analizaron los factores que podrían influir en los procesos de adquisición y éxito de la futura franquicia, tomando en cuenta factores económicos (salario básico, dolarización), factores tecnológicos (disponibilidad de equipos, conectividad), ambientales, sociales (demografía y aspectos poblacionales) y políticos (políticas arancelarias e impositivas). Se examinaron aspectos mercadotécnicos donde se establecieron aspectos de segmentación, posicionamiento y métodos para delimitar el producto, el precio y para promocionar la marca. Por otro lado, se estructuró la propuesta estratégica de la empresa, definiendo la visión, misión, filosofía, valores y objetivos estratégicos de la organización. Finalmente, se realizó un análisis financiero donde se puede apreciar la rentabilidad, proyecciones de ventas, y el VAN y el TIR, los mismos que demuestran una la viabilidad del negocio hasta en el escenario pesimista.

Publication Year
Comercio Minorista
Repositorio Universidad San Francisco de Quito
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