La educaci?n como control social. Un an?lisis a trav?s de los instrumentos de gobierno


V?squez Muglisa, Katherine Tatiana

El presente art?culo busca determinar a trav?s de qu? mecanismos se establece a la educaci?n como control social. Lo que se pretende establecer es que la educaci?n depende del proyecto pol?tico que se instaura en cada pa?s y como tal el control se basa en los instrumentos que se desarrollan para tal efecto. Se analizan algunos pa?ses de la regi?n latinoamericana cuyo modelo cambi? a partir de inicios del siglo XXI dado que se pueden observar las modificaciones que trajeron consigo en relaci?n al sector educativo. Para esto se ha utilizado la categorizaci?n de Hood (2007) en relaci?n a la pol?tica, en este caso educativa, y los instrumentos que facultan que se lleve a cabo la modificaci?n de la conducta de un sistema. Se explican las cuatro categor?as, autoridad, organizaci?n, tesoro e informaci?n y se establece la evidencia correspondiente de los pa?ses analizados. Se ha utilizado el an?lisis documental y comparativo de pa?ses latinoamericanos para establecer c?mo se han aplicado estas categor?as y los instrumentos que se han utilizado para configurar a la educaci?n como un aparato de control social. Se revisan tambi?n algunas medidas adoptadas en el mismo marco de las cuatro categor?as para determinar la existencia de un cambio en torno a la concepci?n de la educaci?n en la sociedad y establecer el control social dentro de este nuevo marco conceptual.
The article looks forward to determinind te mechanisms that establish the educaction as a feature of social control. The education depends on the political project which is settled in each country and because os this the control is based on the instruments designed for this purpouse. Some countries from Latin America which political scheme changed since the beginning of XXI century were analyzed because based on them it could be observed the changes implmented in the educational frame. With this purpouse on mind, the categorization done by Hood (2007) has been used to explain the modification of the behavior of asystem through the instruments of a public policy, in this specific case, the education policy. The categories authority, information, organization, and treasure were explained and the evidence of them was established. The methology used was the documentary analysis and the comparative approach between latinoamerican countries to determine the way these nations have applied the categories and instruments in order to estructure the education as a mechanism of social control. Also, there are some political measures that were analyzed, through the four categories scheme, in order to determine if there were a change in terms of the role of education and the establishment of a social control in these new model.

Publication Year
Control Social
Agenda P?blica
Social Control
Public Agenda
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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