El desempe?o de los docentes de matem?ticas en contextos desafiantes: estudio de casos


Moreno Moreno, Edison Michael

El Instituto Nacional de Evaluaci?n Educativa (INEVAL) aplic? en 2016 pruebas de saberes disciplinares a todos los docentes de Ecuador a trav?s de la evaluaci?n Ser Maestro. Esta investigaci?n estudi? el desempe?o de los docentes mejores puntuados en el ?rea de matem?tica de la zona 6 que atienden a los estudiantes vulnerables socioecon?micamente (escuelas fiscales). El trabajo buscaba saber c?mo llevan a cabo su pr?ctica pedag?gica dentro del aula, qu? t?cnicas y recursos utilizan con m?s frecuencia para explicar los diferentes temas, como es su manejo del contenido y c?mo es su relaci?n con los estudiantes. La investigaci?n fue cualitativa con car?cter descriptivo-anal?tico y con un enfoque etnogr?fico. Como resultado del presente trabajo se identific? que cada docente tiene su modelo ?nico y diferente que es una mezcla de los modelos conocidos (constructivismo, conductismo, humanismo, cognitivista). Sin embargo, tienen en com?n que utilizan t?cnicas de trabajo grupal e individual, la exposici?n magistral en el pizarr?n y el di?logo con los estudiantes, adem?s de una variedad de recursos did?cticos. Como conclusi?n final se estable que los docentes observados poseen un excelente manejo de contenidos, diversidad de estrategias did?cticas y una excelente relaci?n con los estudiantes. Los resultados presentados en el trabajo abren un debate acerca de cu?les de las t?cnicas que utilizan los docentes que trabajan en contextos desafiantes pudieran ser replicables por otros docentes en contextos similares.
The National Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEVAL) applied in 2016 tests of disciplinary knowledge to all teachers in Ecuador through the evaluation of Being a Teacher. This research studied the performance of the best-rated teachers in the area of mathematics in zone 6 that serve socio-economically vulnerable students. The work sought to know how they carry out their pedagogical practice within the classroom, what techniques and resources they use most often to explain the different topics, how is their content management and how is their relationship with the students. The research was qualitative with descriptive-analytical character and with an ethnographic approach. As a result of the present work it was identified that each teacher has a unique and different model that is a mixture of the known models (constructivism, behaviorism, humanism, cognitivist). However, they have in common that they use group and individual work techniques, the masterful presentation on the blackboard and the dialogue with the students, as well as a variety of didactic resources. As a final conclusion, it is established that the teachers observed have an excellent content management, a diversity of teaching strategies and an excellent relationship with the students. The results presented in the paper open a debate about which of the techniques used by teachers working in challenging contexts could be replicated by other teachers in similar contexts

Publication Year
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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